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Examining corporate social responsibility awareness: An unaided recall measure
Journal of Consumer Behaviour ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1002/cb.1920
Daniel Rayne 1 , Simon Pervan 2 , Heath McDonald 2 , Civilai Leckie 3

As professional sports teams commonly partner with multiple charity organizations to achieve corporate social responsibility objectives, the purpose of this research was to measure charity brand awareness among sports fans via unaided recall. Further, this study proposed antecedents to awareness, including; level of fandom, overall season-ticket holder (STH) satisfaction, perceptions of on-field performance, live game viewership frequency, televised game viewership frequency, and digital channel interaction frequency. A survey was used to collect data from STHs across three professional sports teams (n = 8,414). Fan recall of charity partners was low with 1.3% recalling three, 3.5% recalling two, and 9.6% able to recall at least one charity partner. Of the antecedents, overall STH satisfaction and frequency of live game viewership were the most influential while, perceptions of on-field performance returned a significant and negative result. It is advocated sports teams reduce the number of charity partners and charity managers focus communication efforts on more contented STHs who attend live games regularly.



由于专业运动队通常与多个慈善组织合作以实现企业社会责任目标,本研究的目的是通过独立回忆来衡量体育迷的慈善品牌意识。此外,这项研究提出了意识的前因,包括:粉丝水平、整体季票持有者 (STH) 满意度、对场上表现的看法、现场比赛收视率、电视比赛收视率和数字频道互动频率。一项调查用于从三个专业运动队的 STH 收集数据 ( n = 8,414)。慈善伙伴的粉丝回忆率较低,1.3% 的人回忆起三个,3.5% 的人回忆起两个,9.6% 的人能够回忆起至少一位慈善伙伴。在前因中,整体 STH 满意度和现场比赛收视率的影响最大,而对现场表现的看法则返回了显着的负面结果。提倡运动队减少慈善合作伙伴的数量,慈善管理者将沟通重点放在更满足的定期参加现场比赛的STH上。