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The impact of self-control and texting-related accidents on the relationship between mindfulness and mobile texting while driving behavior
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2020.12.012
Leslie Ramos Salazar , Priyanka Khandelwal

Distracted driving behavior often occurs when drivers mindlessly send or receive text messages with their mobile devices. It is imperative to understand the relationship between mindfulness and texting while driving behavior because distracted driving behavior has led to a reported increase in texting related accidents and mortalities. Based on this report, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between mindfulness, self-control, frequency of texting-related accidents, near-miss accidents, and texting while driving behavior. Using a total of 609 adults with an average age of 34.11 (SD = 12.21), results showed that observe, aware, and describe were related to texting while driving. Additionally, we found evidence that self-control partially mediated the relationship between mindfulness and texting while driving. Results also showed that near-miss texting while driving accidents moderated the relationship between mindfulness and texting behavior while driving. The observed inverse relationship between mindfulness and texting while driving can increase researchers’ understanding of self-control’s role in vehicular accidents triggered by texting. Implications and limitations are offered, along with suggestions for future research.



当驾驶员无意识地使用其移动设备发送或接收文本消息时,经常会发生分散注意力的驾驶行为。当驾驶行为时,必须了解正念与发短信之间的关系,因为分心的驾驶行为导致发短信相关的事故和死亡人数增加。基于此报告,本研究的目的是检验正念,自我控制,发短信相关事故的频率,未遂事故和驾驶行为发短信之间的关系。总共使用609位平均年龄为34.11岁的成年人(标清 = 12.21),结果表明观察,意识和描述与驾驶时发短信有关。此外,我们发现有证据表明,驾车时自我控制部分调节了正念与发短信之间的关系。结果还显示,在驾驶事故中未遂短信会缓解驾驶中正念与发短信行为之间的关系。观察到的驾驶中正念与发短信之间的反比关系可以提高研究人员对发短信引发的车辆事故中自我控制作用的理解。提供了含义和局限性,以及对未来研究的建议。
