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Postpartum women’s knowledge and planned use of contraception in Myanmar
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bmjsrh-2020-200686
Hnin Hnin Yu 1 , Camille Raynes-Greenow 2 , Kyi Kyi Nyunt 1 , Santhar Hnin Htet 3 , Nan Kin Wutt Yee 3 , Ngatho Samuel Mugo 4 , Kirsten I Black 5

Background Maternal mortality in Myanmar is one of the highest in the WHO South-East Asian region. Additionally, the country has a high unmet need for contraception and low rates of uptake of long-acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARCs) including intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants. Engagement with health professionals around the time of a birth is an ideal opportunity for women to access contraception but immediate postpartum provision is not widely offered in Myanmar. Methods We undertook a cross-sectional survey of women immediately postpartum at two hospitals in Yangon to investigate their knowledge, and past use of, contraceptive methods and their plans for postpartum contraception including perceptions of implants and IUDs. Four trained obstetrics staff collected data using electronic tablets between January 2017 and January 2018. Results Of the 1755 participants, 55.1% had used pills and 42.2% injectables. In contrast, only 0.5% had used an IUD and 0.3% an implant. Few women (4.4%) anticipated starting contraception immediately postpartum and only a minority would consider future use of an implant (36.9%) or an IUD (13.0%). Fear of side effects was the major barrier to future implant and IUD uptake, reported by 64.5% and 62.5%, respectively. Conclusions Women in maternity care in Yangon have some awareness of IUDs and implants but many hold misconceptions about their side effects leading to reluctance to use. Reducing the unmet need for contraception and improving maternal outcomes in Myanmar could be achieved by improving education, policy and practice around immediate postpartum contraception provision, with a particular focus on LARC methods. The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, [KIB], upon reasonable request.



背景 缅甸的孕产妇死亡率是世卫组织东南亚地区最高的地区之一。此外,该国的避孕需求未得到满足,长效可逆避孕方法 (LARC) 包括宫内节育器 (IUD) 和植入物的使用率较低。在分娩前后与卫生专业人员接触是妇女获得避孕的理想机会,但在缅甸并未广泛提供产后立即提供。方法 我们在仰光的两家医院对产后立即进行的妇女进行横断面调查,以调查她们对避孕方法的了解和过去的使用情况以及她们对产后避孕的计划,包括对植入物和宫内节育器的看法。四名经过培训的产科工作人员在 2017 年 1 月至 2018 年 1 月期间使用电子平板电脑收集数据。 结果 在 1755 名参与者中,55.1% 使用过药丸,42.2% 使用过注射剂。相比之下,只有 0.5% 使用过宫内节育器,0.3% 使用过植入物。很少有女性 (4.4%) 预计产后立即开始避孕,只有少数女性会考虑未来使用植入物 (36.9%) 或 IUD (13.0%)。对副作用的恐惧是未来植入物和宫内节育器摄取的主要障碍,分别有 64.5% 和 62.5% 报告。结论 仰光产科护理的妇女对宫内节育器和植入物有一定的了解,但许多人对其副作用有误解,导致不愿使用。减少未满足的避孕需求并改善缅甸的孕产妇结果可以通过改善教育来实现,围绕产后立即避孕的政策和实践,特别关注 LARC 方法。支持本研究结果的数据可根据合理要求从相应作者 [KIB] 处获得。