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The Absurd Injunction to Not Belong and the Bidūn in Kuwait
International Journal of Middle East Studies ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020743820001014
Claire Beaugrand

In a tweet posted on 29 March 2018, a bidūn activist—who was later jailed from July 2019 to January 2020 for peacefully protesting against the inhumane conditions under which the bidūn are living—shared a video. The brief video zooms in closely on an ID card, recognizable as one of those issued to the bidūn, or long-term residents of Kuwait who are in contention with the state regarding their legal status. More precisely, the mobile phone camera focuses on the back of the ID card, on one line with a special mention added by the Central System (al-jihāz al-markazī), the administration in charge of bidūn affairs. Other magnetic strip cards hide the personal data written above and below it. A male voice can be heard saying that he will read this additional remark, but before even doing so he bursts into laughter. The faceless voice goes on to read out the label in an unrestrained laugh: “ladayh qarīb … ladayh qarīna … dālla ʿalā al-jinsiyya al-ʿIrāqiyya” (he has a relative … who has presumptive evidence … suggesting an Iraqi nationality). The video shakes as the result of a contagious laugh that grows in intensity. In the Kuwaiti dialect, the voice continues commenting: “Uqsim bil-Allāh, gaʿadt sāʿa ufakkir shinū maʿanāt hal-ḥatchī” (I swear by God, it took me an hour to figure out the meaning of this nonsense), before reading the sentence again, stopping and guffawing, and asking if he should “repeat it a third time,” expressing amazement at its absurdity. The tweet, addressed to the head of the Central System (mentioned in the hashtag #faḍīḥat Sāliḥ al-Faḍāla, or #scandal Salih al-Fadala), reads: In lam tastaḥī fa-'ktub mā shaʾt (Don't bother, write what you want).


科威特不属于和 Bidūn 的荒谬禁令

在 2018 年 3 月 29 日发布的一条推文中,一名比都人活动家(后来因和平抗议比都人生活的不人道条件而于 2019 年 7 月至 2020 年 1 月被判入狱)分享了一段视频。这段简短的视频放大了一张身份证,可辨认出是发给bidūn 或科威特长期居民的身份证,他们在法律地位方面与国家发生争执。更准确地说,手机摄像头聚焦在身份证背面,一行特别提到中央系统(al-jihāz al-markazī),负责比顿事务的行政部门。其他磁条卡隐藏写在其上方和下方的个人数据。可以听到一个男性的声音说他会读这附加的话,但还没读完,他就放声大笑。那个无脸的声音继续大声朗读标签:“ladayh qarīb ... ladayh qarīna ... dālla ʿalā al-jinsiyya al-ʿIrāqiyya”(他有一个亲戚……他有推定的证据……表明他是伊拉克国籍)。视频因不断增强的传染性笑声而颤抖。在科威特方言中,声音继续评论:“Uqsim bil-Allāh, gaʿadt sāʿa ufakkir shinū maʿanāt hal-ḥatchī”(我向上帝发誓,我花了一个小时才弄明白这个废话的意思),然后再读这句话又停下来大笑起来,问他是否应该“第三次重复”,对它的荒谬表示惊讶。这条推文是写给中央系统负责人的(在标签#faḍīḥat Sāliḥ al-Faḍāla 或#scandal Salih al-Fadala 中提到),内容如下:在 lam tastaḥī fa-'ktub mā shaʾt(别打扰,