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Concepts of Space
International Journal of Middle East Studies ( IF 1.130 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020743820001099
Elizabeth Bishop

Space, in the dictionary, is “a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied” and “the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move.” Those of us who are social scientists may recognize Henri Lefebvre's unitary theory of space in the dictionary definition, which seeks to capture physical, mental, and social “fields” constituting space: spatial practices, representations of space, and representational space (such as the opening and closing of airports, requiring that people queue for temperature scans, constructing stadiums and choosing names for them). If anything, the spread of coronavirus disease at the present moment draws the significance of space and tensions between different concepts of space to our immediate attention.



在字典中,空间是“一个连续的区域或广阔的空间,它是自由的、可用的或未被占用的”和“所有事物存在和移动的高度、深度和宽度的维度”。我们这些社会科学家可能会在字典定义中认出 Henri Lefebvre 的单一空间理论,该理论试图捕捉构成空间的物理、心理和社会“场”:空间实践、空间表征和表征空间(例如机场的开放和关闭,要求人们排队进行体温扫描,建造体育场并为其选择名称)。如果有的话,当前冠状病毒疾病的传播使我们立即关注空间的重要性和不同空间概念之间的紧张关系。