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New Nationalisms and Identity Politics: Minorities, Majorities and Universal Emancipation
European Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s1062798720000484
Viacheslav Morozov

A defining feature of new nationalisms, with their right-wing populist rhetoric, is the way they exploit the regime of truth prevalent in liberal democratic societies. Their use of the language of democracy, human rights and identity is sometimes hard to differentiate from the mainstream convention. Despite being majoritarian in the way it seeks democratic legitimacy, new nationalist discourse consistently advances demands framed in terms of minority protection. This is done by presenting the existence of ‘our’ nation as threatened by overwhelming forces of neo-liberal globalisation (embodied in the EU, the West or even in ‘the Washington establishment’). By using the Pussy Riot case as an empirical example, this article argues that there is no way of preventing the language of minority protection from being hijacked by ‘predatory identities’ unless one foregrounds the universal dimension of equality and emancipation, as opposed to rights and entitlements associated with particular identities. The key political question today, as always, is how to navigate between the totalitarian disregard of the local and the parochialist concentration on the particular.



带有右翼民粹主义言论的新民族主义的一个显着特征是他们利用自由民主社会中盛行的真理制度的方式。他们使用的民主、人权和身份语言有时很难与主流公约区分开来。尽管在寻求民主合法性的方式上是多数主义的,但新的民族主义话语一直在推进以保护少数群体为框架的要求。这是通过将“我们的”国家的存在呈现为受到新自由主义全球化压倒性力量(体现在欧盟、西方甚至“华盛顿机构”中)的威胁来实现的。通过使用Pussy Riot作为一个实证案例,本文认为没有办法防止少数群体保护的语言被“掠夺性身份”劫持,除非人们突出平等和解放的普遍维度,而不是与特定身份相关的权利和权利。 . 与往常一样,今天的关键政治问题是如何在极权主义对地方的漠视和对特定事物的狭隘集中之间进行导航。
