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Ukrainian ‘Working through the Past’ in the Context of the Polish–Ukrainian Dialogue on Volhynia-43. Asymmetry of Memory
European Review ( IF 0.521 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s1062798720000538
Julia Rysicz-Szafraniec

The modern Polish–Ukrainian dialogue is the second interstate dialogue of the twentieth century, in the development of which the historical and political discourses have played an important role. The so-called Volhynia discourse poses the most serious challenge in this dialogue, while at the same time being its main component. The article claims the Volhynia discourse plays a major role in bringing about the asymmetry of historical memory between the two states. The events of Volhynia-43 have remained in Polish historical memory as an act of genocide perpetrated in 1941–1943 by Ukrainian nationalists, mainly from the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), on over 100,000 Poles and citizens of the Polish state inhabiting Galicia and Eastern Małopolska, including Volhynia. These territories, considered by the Ukrainian nationalist party OUN as indigenously Ukrainian, were to be included in the future independent Ukrainian state. The Ukrainian historiography, apart from sparse exceptions, avoids the term ‘massacre’ and ‘genocide’ in reference to the events in Volhynia, defining them as a conflict or a Polish–Ukrainian war with a comparable number of casualties on both sides. The article, analysing speeches and announcements by political leaders of Poland and Ukraine, focuses on explaining the causes and effects of this shift in accentuation in the Ukrainian discourse on Volhynia, and, broadly, in Ukraine working through its past.


在 Volhynia-43 的波兰-乌克兰对话背景下的乌克兰语“穿越过去”。记忆不对称

现代波乌对话是20世纪的第二次国家间对话,历史和政治话语在其中发挥了重要作用。所谓的沃里尼亚话语是这次对话中最严峻的挑战,同时也是它的主要组成部分。文章称,Volhynia 话语在导致两国历史记忆不对称方面发挥了重要作用。Volhynia-43 事件作为乌克兰民族主义者在 1941-1943 年间对超过 100,000 名波兰人以及居住在加利西亚和东部的波兰国家公民实施的种族灭绝行为,一直留在波兰的历史记忆中。 Małopolska,包括Volhynia。这些领土,被乌克兰民族主义政党 OUN 视为土着乌克兰人,将被纳入未来独立的乌克兰国家。除了少数例外,乌克兰的史学在提到沃里尼亚事件时避免使用“大屠杀”和“种族灭绝”一词,将它们定义为双方伤亡人数相当的冲突或波乌战争。这篇文章分析了波兰和乌克兰政治领导人的演讲和公告,重点解释了乌克兰关于沃里尼亚的话语中这种重音转变的原因和影响,更广泛地说,乌克兰正在经历它的过去。在提及沃里尼亚事件时避免使用“大屠杀”和“种族灭绝”一词,将其定义为双方伤亡人数相当的冲突或波乌战争。这篇文章分析了波兰和乌克兰政治领导人的演讲和公告,重点解释了乌克兰关于沃里尼亚的话语中这种重音转变的原因和影响,更广泛地说,乌克兰正在经历它的过去。在提及沃里尼亚事件时避免使用“大屠杀”和“种族灭绝”一词,将其定义为双方伤亡人数相当的冲突或波乌战争。这篇文章分析了波兰和乌克兰政治领导人的演讲和公告,重点解释了乌克兰关于沃里尼亚的话语中这种重音转变的原因和影响,更广泛地说,乌克兰正在经历它的过去。
