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Questioning the Native American Population Rebound in the Horseshoe Lake Watershed from AD 1500 to AD 1700
American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2020.74
B. Jacob Skousen , Michael Aiuvalasit

White and colleagues (2020) have argued that after Cahokia's AD 1400 decline, the native population in the Horseshoe Lake Watershed rebounded beginning in AD 1500 and peaked around 1650, and that the native groups populating the area were members of the Illinois Confederation. These arguments are based on a population reconstruction obtained from fecal stanol concentrations from Horseshoe Lake sediment cores and regional historical, archaeological, and environmental data. We argue that their interpretations are problematic because they discount extensive regional archaeological and historical datasets and do not consider alternative hypotheses that could explain high levels of fecal stanol concentrations in lake sediments.


质疑公元 1500 年至公元 1700 年马蹄湖流域美洲原住民人口的反弹

White 及其同事(2020 年)认为,在 Cahokia 公元 1400 年衰退之后,马蹄湖流域的土著人口从公元 1500 年开始反弹,并在 1650 年左右达到顶峰,并且居住在该地区的土著群体是伊利诺伊州联邦的成员。这些论点基于从马蹄湖沉积物核心的粪便甾烷醇浓度和区域历史、考古和环境数据中获得的种群重建。我们认为他们的解释是有问题的,因为他们低估了广泛的区域考古和历史数据集,并且没有考虑可以解释湖泊沉积物中高浓度粪便甾烷醇的替代假设。