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Production and Transport of Goods in the Roman Period: Residue Analysis and Wine Derivatives in Late Republican Baetican Ovoid Amphorae
Environmental Archaeology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-11
Alessandra Pecci, Paul Reynolds, Simona Mileto, José Manuel Vargas Girón, Darío Bernal-Casasola


Amphorae are key materials in the investigation of the production and transport of goods in ancient times. For the Roman period, many typologies of amphorae are standardised and there are hypotheses concerning their uses and contents mainly based on the shape, provenance, tituli picti and, when preserved, the solid contents. However, there are still many amphora types that have to be investigated in order to better understand the economy of the regions where they were produced and filled. This is the case of the amphorae object of this paper: the so-called ovoid amphorae of Hispania Ulterior/Baetica.

This paper presents new results of an interdisciplinary investigation aimed to discover the commodities contained in ovoid amphorae. This amphora type and its specific use have never been investigated, except for a preliminary test. Here, organic residues analysis of twenty-four amphorae produced in two different locations in Hispania Ulterior/Baetica (Bay of Cadiz and the Guadalquivir Valley) and excavated at the site of El Olivillo in Cadiz (Spain), are presented. The findings suggest that the majority of the amphorae were coated with abundant pitch derived from Pinaceae trees and that most of them contained grape derivatives, although other products were also identified. Not only is this documentation of Hispania Ulterior/Baetican wine production in the late Republican period important, but the use of ovoid amphorae for carrying wine is somewhat unexpected because it is usually thought that amphorae of this type in southern Italy and in the Corinthia probably carried olive oil.





本文提出了一项跨学科研究的新结果,旨在发现卵形安瓿中的商品。除初步测试外,从未研究过这种双耳瓶类型及其特定用途。在这里,对在西班牙裔乌拉特/贝蒂卡(加的斯湾和瓜达尔基维尔河谷)两个不同地点生产并在西班牙加的斯的奥利维洛遗址发掘的二十四个安瓿的有机残留物进行了分析。这些发现表明,大多数的安瓿瓶都覆盖有松树科树木丰富的沥青,其中大多数还含有葡萄衍生物,尽管也发现了其他产品。这不仅是关于西班牙裔乌拉圭人/ Baetican的文件 在共和时代后期,葡萄酒的生产很重要,但是使用卵形的油罐携带葡萄酒有些出乎意料,因为通常认为意大利南部和科林西亚的这种油罐可能携带橄榄油。
