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Slow and steady wins the race: contrasted phylogeographic signatures in two Alpine amphibians
Integrative Zoology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12518
Christophe Dufresnes 1 , Nicolas Rodrigues 2 , Romain Savary 3

A deeper phylogeographic structure is expected for slow-dispersing habitat specialists compared to widespread adaptable species, especially in topographically complex regions. We tested this classic assumption by comparing the genomic (RAD-sequencing) phylogeographies of 2 amphibians inhabiting the Swiss Alps: the mobile, cosmopolitan common frog (Rana temporaria) against the stationary, mountain endemic Alpine salamander (Salamandra atra). Our results ran opposite of predictions: the frog displayed significantly higher genetic divergences and lower within-population variation compared to the salamander. This implies a prominent role for their distinctive glacial histories in shaping intraspecific diversity and structure: diversification and recolonization from several circum-Alpine micro-refugia for the frog versus a single refugium for the salamander, potentially combined with better population connectivity and stability. These striking differences emphasize the great variability of phylogeographic responses to the Quaternary glaciations, hence the complexity to predict general patterns of genetic diversity at the regional scale, and the forces that underlie them.



与广泛的适应性物种相比,特别是在地形复杂的地区,缓慢分散的栖息地专家预计会有更深的系统地理学结构。我们通过比较居住在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的 2 种两栖动物的基因组(RAD 测序)系统地理学来测试这个经典假设:移动的、世界性的普通青蛙 ( Rana temporaria ) 与静止的、山地特有的高山蝾螈 ( Salamandra atra)。我们的结果与预测相反:与蝾螈相比,青蛙表现出明显更高的遗传差异和更低的种群内变异。这意味着它们独特的冰川历史在塑造种内多样性和结构方面发挥着重要作用:青蛙从几个环绕阿尔卑斯山的微型避难所的多样化和重新定殖,而不是蝾螈的单一避难所,这可能与更好的种群连通性和稳定性相结合。这些显着的差异强调了对第四纪冰川作用的系统地理学反应的巨大可变性,因此预测区域尺度遗传多样性的一般模式及其背后的力量是复杂的。