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Genesis of the carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposits in western Hunan, South China: Constraint from Pb isotopic signature
Applied Geochemistry ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.104882
Hui Wu , Wen-Li Ling , Ying-Hua Zhang , Qian Ma , Yang Chen , Qi-Fa Duan , Jian-Ping Cheng

Lead-zinc ore deposits hosted by carbonatic strata are the most important ore type of Pb–Zn resources in South China and have long been studied. Although their metallogenic timing has been well constrained recently to the Caledonian, our understanding of the metal sources and mineralization mechanism remains controversial. This study aims to provide new insights to these contexts via a new Pb isotope tracing of the Xiangshuidong deposit in the western Hunan Province. The Xiangshuidong deposit is one of the typical deposits in the Huayuan-Tongren Pb–Zn ore-concentrated area in South China. Both ore-forming sulfides and carbonates of the host strata were analyzed by in situ analysis using MC-LA-ICPMS. Along with compiled data of other typical deposits of the same type in South China, it is revealed that: the ore-forming sulfides were distinctively different from the carbonates of the host strata in Pb isotopic signatures; the ore-forming metals were sourced mainly by regional high-grade crystalline basements, rather than host rocks or adjacent strata; the ores display metallogenic characteristics typical of Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) Pb–Zn deposits, rather than reworked sedimentary deposits. A metallogenic model for the Caledonian Pb–Zn ores is accordingly proposed and a new guidance on further ore exploration is suggested.



