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Brexit and Its Impact on the US Stock Market
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11424-020-9174-0
Kenan Qiao , Zhengyang Liu , Bai Huang , Yuying Sun , Shouyang Wang

This paper firstly analyzes the Brexit’s impact on the US stock market using a novel interval methodology. The interval-valued dummy variables are proposed to measure the direction and magnitudes of the changes in the inter-day trend and the intra-day volatility of S&P500 returns simultaneously. It is found that both the trend and the volatility of S&P500 returns increased before the Brexit. Besides, the Brexit negatively affected S&P500 returns’ trend in the short term after the event, while its impact on market volatility was positive, which slowly decayed across time. Furthermore, a new interesting finding is that there are both short-term momentum effects (i.e., positive autocorrelation of trends) and volatility clustering in stock markets.



