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Sampling Site Specific Biomarker Responses in Mediterranean Mussels from the Adriatic Sea
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s00128-020-03083-6
Milena Mitrić , Andreja Ramšak

This study aims to explore the spatial and temporal patterns in biomarker responses during early spring and late summer in Mytilus galloprovincialis using samples from two Adriatic Sea ecosystems between 2009 and 2012. The condition index was higher in September at all sampling sites and suggests that mussels can store energy during summer for wintertime spawning and survival through the winter. Over the entire study period, higher values of metallothioneins indicated sites with higher levels of heavy metals (Boka Kotorska Bay), while acetylcholine esterase activity was inhibited at the Gulf of Trieste. Genotoxicity was similar among sampling sites. We summarized biomarker responses in a stress index, IBRv2, and found that sampling sites in the Gulf of Trieste had lower stress levels while the highest stress levels were detected in the Boka Kotorska Bay.



这项研究旨在探讨早春和夏末Mytilus galloprovincialis生物标志物反应的时空格局。使用了2009年至2012年期间两​​个亚得里亚海生态系统的样本。在所有采样点,9月的状况指数都较高,这表明贻贝可以在夏季储存能量,以便冬季产卵并在冬季生存。在整个研究期间,较高的金属硫蛋白值表明重金属含量较高的部位(博卡科托尔斯卡湾),而的里雅斯特湾的乙酰胆碱酯酶活性受到抑制。采样点之间的基因毒性相似。我们在压力指数IBRv2中总结了生物标志物的反应,发现的里雅斯特湾的采样点应力水平较低,而在博卡科托斯卡湾中则发现了最高的应力水平。
