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Ethnoreligious intermarriage in Israel: an exploration of the 2008 census
Journal of Israeli History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/13531042.2018.1532565
Sergio DellaPergola 1

ABSTRACT Since its establishment, Israel’s population has included individuals associated with different religions and ethnic groups. The literature on religious intermarriage in Israel is not abundant. This probably reflects the relative paucity of cases in relation to a total population that has overwhelmingly tended to perform endogamous marriages – within the Jewish population but also within each of the other main religious groups. It probably also reflects negative normative attitudes towards the phenomenon. This paper presents previously unpublished data on the religious composition of couples, as it is covered in Israel’s population census of 2008. We evaluate the overall frequency of intermarriage across religions, according to the combination of spouses from four main religion categories (Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Other), and the frequency of Jewish religious intermarriage by selected sociodemographic characteristics of spouses (sex, age, year of immigration, educational attainment, district and main cities of residence).


以色列的民族宗教通婚:对 2008 年人口普查的探索

摘要 自成立以来,以色列的人口包括与不同宗教和民族有关的个人。关于以色列宗教通婚的文献并不丰富。这可能反映了与绝大多数倾向于进行同族婚姻的总人口相关的案例相对较少——在犹太人口中,但在其他每个主要宗教群体中也是如此。它可能也反映了对这一现象的消极规范态度。本文提供了先前未发表的关于夫妻宗教构成的数据,正如 2008 年以色列人口普查所涵盖的那样。我们根据来自四个主要宗教类别(犹太人、穆斯林、基督教,其他),