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Forging beginnings: Commemorative cultures and the politics of the “First Aliyah”
Journal of Israeli History ( IF 0.261 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13531042.2020.1810420
Liora R. Halperin 1

ABSTRACT This article argues that the “First Aliyah,” associated with the private agricultural colonies (moshavot) of the late nineteenth century and long studied primarily in its pre-World War I context, must be studied as a mandate and early state-era retrospective creation. It was forged during a period of Labor Zionist hegemony and in light of Palestinian resistance and rising Jewish immigration. In promoting their own past past, local landowners and private agriculturalists attempted to invert accusations of ideological poverty, economic exploitation, and inefficacy to present the founding generation as models of pragmatism, hierarchical coexistence with Palestinian laborers, and apoliticism. It further suggests the importance of localized and class-specific Zionist memory and the utility of thinking of these cultural formations as a place-specific variant not only of ethnonational memory, but also of settler memory.



摘要 本文认为,与 19 世纪后期的私人农业殖民地 (moshavot) 相关并长期主要在第一次世界大战前的背景下进行研究的“第一个阿利亚”必须作为一项任务和早期国家时代的回顾进行研究。创建。它是在劳工犹太复国主义霸权时期以及巴勒斯坦抵抗和犹太移民增加的情况下建立的。在宣传他们自己的过去时,当地地主和私人农业家试图颠倒对意识形态贫困、经济剥削和低效的指责,将创始一代呈现为实用主义、与巴勒斯坦劳工等级共存和非政治主义的典范。