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Saharan Zion: state evasion and state-making in modern Jewish and Sahrawi history
Journal of Israeli History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/13531042.2019.1645309
Johannes Becke 1

ABSTRACT Based on a comparison between Jewish and Sahrawi nationalism, the article introduces James Scott’s theorization of state-evading and state-making societies to the study of Zionist state formation. Given the state-evading features of Jewish Diaspora life (physical dispersion, segmentary kinship, acephalous social structure), the article argues that Zionism might best be compared to the state-making projects of other state-evading communities (including Kurdish, Berber, and Sahrawi nationalism). As an example for this comparative research agenda, the article explores the case of Sahrawi nationalism: While POLISARIO, the national liberation movement of Western Sahara, was consciously modelled after Third World insurgencies in Algeria and Palestine, the Sahrawi proto-state (the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic) applies a model of state-driven nation-building that corresponds closely to the statism (mamlakhtiyut) of the Zionist state-in-the-making.



摘要 基于对犹太民族主义和撒哈拉民族主义的比较,本文将詹姆斯·斯科特的国家逃避和国家建立社会理论引入犹太复国主义国家形成的研究中。考虑到犹太人散居地生活的逃避国家的特征(身体分散、分裂的亲属关系、无序的社会结构),本文认为犹太复国主义最好与其他逃避国家的社区(包括库尔德人、柏柏尔人和撒哈拉民族主义)。作为这一比较研究议程的一个例子,本文探讨了撒哈拉民族主义的案例:虽然西撒哈拉民族解放运动波利萨里奥有意识地模仿了阿尔及利亚和巴勒斯坦的第三世界叛乱,