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Specific theories of crime? A longitudinal assessment of the competing effects of psychopathy and self-control
Journal of Crime and Justice ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.1080/0735648x.2020.1727765
Sultan Altikriti 1 , Kalliopi Theocharidou 1 , Christopher J. Sullivan 1


The association between psychopathic personality traits (PPTs) and offending behavior has been studied extensively. Self-control also enjoys strong empirical support in its association with antisocial behavior. Further, research has shown that those with higher PPTs and those with lower self-control are more likely to be antisocial and are more likely to have protracted criminal careers. The current study used latent class growth analysis to compare how PPTs and self-control predict membership in longitudinal offending trajectories among an all-male sample of adjudicated delinquents (n = 726) from the Pathways to Desistance data. The results indicated that PPTs predicted membership across the persistent offending and desisting groups more often than self-control. Self-control, however, more often predicted membership within the persistent offending groups. Although both factors were among the most salient predictors of group membership, the results illustrated specific differences in how each factor can influence longitudinal patterns of offending.




精神病性人格特质(PPT)与犯罪行为之间的关联已得到广泛研究。自我控制与反社会行为的联系也得到了强有力的经验支持。此外,研究表明,那些具有较高的PPT和较低的自我控制能力的人更有可能反社会,并且更有可能拖延长期的犯罪生涯。当前的研究使用潜伏类增长分析来比较PPT和自我控制如何从“通往疾病的途径”数据中,对所有男性被裁定犯罪者(n = 726)的纵向违规轨迹中的成员进行预测。结果表明,与自我控制相比,PPT更经常地预测持续存在的犯罪和弱势群体的成员身份。自我控制 更经常地预测持续性犯罪群体中的成员身份。尽管这两个因素都是群体成员关系最明显的预测因素之一,但结果表明,每个因素如何影响犯罪的纵向模式存在特定差异。
