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Comments on Omissions and Silences in Ethnographic Research
Journal of Anthropological Research ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1086/706943
Sydel Silverman

Most anthropological writings that draw on ethnography understandably deal with what is described in ethnographic accounts. These papers, however, do the opposite. They question what is not in any account—what is not observed in fieldwork, what is not recorded, what is not studied, whether inadvertently or intentionally—and ask why that might be the case. Each of the five reflects upon the author’s early (and sometimes more recent) work and explores instances of omission and/or silencing in it, which came to light for the authors only in retrospect. Jim Weil uses his own trajectory to offer some general suggestions for how to think about these processes of exclusion. He draws a distinction between omissions, the neglect of potentially relevant information, and silences, which involve a negative intentionality. Omissions may occur for a variety of reasons: one’s theoretical orientation that dictates the framing of a problem, decisions about what is pertinent or irrelevant to a study, and the sheer demands of time and attention, to name a few. Theoretical orientation, in turn, is a product of the state of anthropology at the time, the graduate department of one’s training, one’s mentors, and one’s personal history and disposition. Silences, on the other hand, entail decisions (whether or not uppermost in one’s consciousness) to ignore, leave out, or not report information for reasons of danger, indiscretion, or discomfort of various sorts. The most striking example of omissions in Weil’s account of his Bolivian fieldwork stems from his decision to draw the limits of his study at the boundaries of the community, thereby excluding and avoiding the illicit traffic in coca beyond the local market (even though this traffic entailed half of coca production around that time). This decision is characteristic of anthropology at the time; boundedness of the study group, whether localized or socially delineated, was a methodological if not also a theoretical premise. On Weil’s return visits, the omission became silencing, as the dangers of reporting on the traffic became apparent. Weil’s discussion of his history in anthropology reflects the experiences of many of his generation. They were taught the ideal of Malinowskian ethnographic holism, but it was understood that this was intended as general background and context for whatever



大多数利用民族志的人类学著作都可以理解地处理民族志描述的内容。然而,这些论文恰恰相反。他们质疑在任何记录中都没有的东西——在田野工作中没有观察到的东西,没有记录的东西,没有研究过的东西,无论是无意中还是有意地——并询问为什么会这样。五人中的每一个都反思了作者的早期(有时是最近的)作品,并探讨了其中的遗漏和/或沉默的例子,这些都是作者在回顾时才发现的。Jim Weil 使用他自己的轨迹为如何思考这些排斥过程提供了一些一般性建议。他区分了遗漏、潜在相关信息的忽视和包含消极意图的沉默。遗漏可能有多种原因:一个人的理论取向决定了问题的框架,决定什么与研究相关或不相关,以及对时间和注意力的纯粹需求,仅举几例。反过来,理论取向是当时人类学状况、所受培养的研究生部门、导师以及个人历史和性格的产物。另一方面,沉默意味着出于危险、轻率或各种不适的原因,做出忽略、遗漏或不报告信息的决定(无论是否在一个人的意识中最重要)。在 Weil 对玻利维亚田野调查的描述中最显着的遗漏例子源于他决定在社区边界上划定他的研究界限,从而排除和避免了当地市场以外的古柯非法贩运(尽管当时这种贩运占古柯产量的一半)。这一决定是当时人类学的特征;研究组的界限,无论是局部的还是社会的,如果不是理论前提,也是一种方法论。在 Weil 回访时,这种疏忽变得沉默起来,因为报告交通的危险变得明显。威尔关于他在人类学方面的历史的讨论反映了他那一代人的经历。他们被教导了马林诺夫斯基民族志整体论的理想,但据了解,这旨在作为任何事情的一般背景和背景 这一决定是当时人类学的特征;研究组的界限,无论是局部的还是社会的,如果不是理论前提,也是一种方法论。在 Weil 回访时,这种疏忽变得沉默起来,因为报告交通的危险变得明显。威尔关于他在人类学方面的历史的讨论反映了他那一代人的经历。他们被教导了马林诺夫斯基民族志整体论的理想,但据了解,这旨在作为任何事情的一般背景和背景 这一决定是当时人类学的特征;研究组的边界性,无论是局部的还是社会性的,如果不是理论前提,也是一种方法论。在 Weil 回访时,这种疏忽变得沉默起来,因为报告交通的危险变得明显。威尔关于他在人类学方面的历史的讨论反映了他那一代人的经历。他们被教导了马林诺夫斯基民族志整体论的理想,但据了解,这旨在作为任何事情的一般背景和背景 威尔关于他在人类学方面的历史的讨论反映了他那一代人的经历。他们被教导了马林诺夫斯基民族志整体论的理想,但据了解,这旨在作为任何事情的一般背景和背景 韦尔关于他的人类学历史的讨论反映了他那一代人的经历。他们被教导了马林诺夫斯基民族志整体论的理想,但据了解,这旨在作为任何事情的一般背景和背景