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Reimagining the Strange and Familiar in National Belonging: Memory, Heritage, and Exclusion in the Dominican Republic
Journal of Anthropological Research ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1086/699939
Robin Maria DeLugan

Recent constitutional reforms and high court decisions in the Dominican Republic made an estimated 200,000 Dominicans of Haitian descent stateless when rulings retroactive to 1929 invalidated their birthright citizenship. Some social actors—including diasporic Dominicans and Haitians—connect the crisis of exclusion to the nation’s difficult heritage—namely, the 1937 massacre of thousands of Haitians and other black bodies in the Dominican Republic borderlands dividing the two nations, and the subsequent decades of authoritarianism that constructed Haitians and blackness as the nation’s strange “other.” A new museum in Santo Domingo, and an annual binational commemoration at the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic about the 1937 massacre bring attention to the historicity of present-day understandings of Dominicanidad (being Dominican), reminding the public that such definitions are rooted in state violence. This research examines how memory activism strives to transform familiar, though exclusionary, understandings of national belonging in the Dominican Republic.



多米尼加共和国最近的宪法改革和高等法院的裁决使大约 200,000 名海地血统的多米尼加人成为无国籍人,因为追溯至 1929 年的裁决使他们与生俱来的公民身份无效。一些社会行为者——包括散居海外的多米尼加人和海地人——将排斥危机与该国艰难的遗产联系起来——即 1937 年在多米尼加共和国边境地区对数以千计的海地人和其他黑人团体的屠杀,以及随后数十年的威权主义这将海地人和黑人构建为这个国家奇怪的“他者”。圣多明各的一个新博物馆,以及在海地和多米尼加共和国边境举行的关于 1937 年大屠杀的年度两国纪念活动,使人们关注当今对多米尼加(多米尼加)的理解的历史性,提醒公众,此类定义植根于国家暴力。这项研究探讨了记忆激进主义如何努力改变对多米尼加共和国民族归属感的熟悉但具有排他性的理解。