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“Project Man in Space”: Applied Anthropology’s Cold War Space Oddity
Journal of Anthropological Research ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1086/709802
David Price

During the 1950s, partially in response to the Soviet Union’s launching of Sputnik, social psychologist Donald Michael launched Project Man in Space, a group of American social scientists organized to study and shape American attitudes toward space exploration. Margaret Mead and other anthropologists’ involvement in the Man in Space program is detailed here, and although the program is shown to have done valuable work measuring public understanding of space, the fact that the program focused on civilian space travel fantasies while downplaying the militarization of space indicates important political dimensions of this applied project.



在 1950 年代,部分是为了响应苏联发射人造卫星,社会心理学家唐纳德迈克尔启动了太空人计划,这是一群美国社会科学家组织起来研究和塑造美国人对太空探索的态度。玛格丽特·米德 (Margaret Mead) 和其他人类学家参与太空人计划的详情在此详述,尽管该计划在衡量公众对太空的理解方面做了有价值的工作,但该计划关注的是平民太空旅行的幻想,同时淡化了太空中的军事化。空间表明这个应用项目的重要政治维度。