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Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime. Bruno Latour. (translated by Catherine Porter). London: Polity, 2018, x + 128 pp. $14.95, paper. ISBN 978-1-509-53059-5.
Journal of Anthropological Research ( IF 0.774 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1086/706954
Hans A. Baer

In recent years Bruno Latour has entered the domain of the relatively new, but burgeoning, subfield of the anthropology of climate change, by assuming his proverbial interdisciplinary approach in which he engages with such concepts as Gaia and the Anthropocene...


脚踏实地:新气候体制下的政治。布鲁诺·拉图尔。(由凯瑟琳·波特翻译)。伦敦:《政治》,2018 年,x + 128 页。14.95 美元,纸质版。ISBN 978-1-509-53059-5。

近年来,布鲁诺·拉图尔(Bruno Latour)采用了众所周知的跨学科方法,涉足诸如盖亚和人类世等概念,进入了气候变化人类学这个相对较新但正在蓬勃发展的子领域的领域……