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Hurricane Katrina, Diabetes, and the Meaning of Resiliency
Isis ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1086/707822
Richard M. Mizelle,

Hurricane Katrina offered a revealing snapshot of the historical vulnerability that New Orleans and Gulf Coast residents have long experienced and continue to face. In particular, population groups with special health needs—those suffering from debilitating chronic diseases—were among those most at risk during the storm. Focusing specifically on diabetic evacuees during and after Katrina, this essay examines how the lack of planning during the disaster led to diminished access to dialysis as well as poor food and inadequate insulin management in evacuation shelters. In so doing, it underscores the strong links between disasters and public health concerns such as elevated risks for complications, emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and reduced life expectancy for individuals with diabetes. As the case of Katrina powerfully illustrates, populations suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes suffer disproportionately from disasters and other disruptive events.



卡特里娜飓风揭示了新奥尔良和墨西哥湾沿岸居民长期以来经历并继续面临的历史脆弱性。特别是,有特殊健康需求的人群——那些患有慢性病的人群——是风暴期间风险最大的人群之一。这篇文章特别关注卡特里娜飓风期间和之后的糖尿病撤离人员,研究了灾难期间缺乏规划如何导致透析机会减少以及疏散避难所的食物不足和胰岛素管理不足。这样做,它强调了灾难与公共卫生问题之间的密切联系,例如并发症风险增加、急诊室就诊、住院治疗和糖尿病患者的预期寿命缩短。卡特里娜 (Katrina) 的案例有力地说明了这一点,