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A Roundtable Discussion on Collecting Demographics Data
Isis ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1086/709484
Projit Bihari Mukharji , Myrna Perez Sheldon , Elise K. Burton , Sebastián Gil-Riaño , Terence Keel , Emily Merchant , Wangui Muigai , Ahmed Ragab , Suman Seth

GU IDE TO THE OPEN CONVERSAT IONS FORMAT : MYRNA PEREZ SHELDON TheOpen Conversations section is a new format for Isis. “Diversifying the Discipline or Disciplining Diversity?” is a conversation among seven scholars that has been edited by Projit Mukharji and myself, with some of our own thoughts contributed to frame and introduce the various themes and threads that emerged in these exchanges. Each contributor was asked to respond to a set of questions about a proposed plan from the Editorial Board of Isis to collect demographic information about those who submit articles to the journal. After the initial round, the contributors were all asked to respond to at least two other pieces in a follow-up reflection. Projit and I then wove all these together into this set of exchanges. These are our seven contributors: Elise K. Burton, Junior Research Fellow at Newnham College at the University of Cambridge, will soon be joining the University of Toronto as Assistant Professor of Science and Technology Studies. Her work looks at how nationalism and genetics constantly and dynamically recombined in the twentieth-century Middle East, particularly in Turkey, Iran, and the Levant, thereby fashioning an evolving palette of raced identities.



开放式对话格式指南:MYRNA PEREZ SHELDON 开放式对话部分是 Isis 的新格式。“学科多元化还是学科多元化?” 是由 Projit Mukharji 和我自己编辑的七位学者之间的对话,我们自己的一些想法有助于构建和介绍这些交流中出现的各种主题和线索。每个贡献者都被要求回答一组关于 Isis 编辑委员会提出的计划的问题,以收集有关向该期刊提交文章的人的人口统计信息。在第一轮之后,所有贡献者都被要求在后续反思中至少对另外两篇文章做出回应。Projit 和我然后将所有这些编织在一起形成了这组交流。这是我们的七位贡献者:Elise K. Burton,剑桥大学纽纳姆学院初级研究员,即将加入多伦多大学,担任科技研究助理教授。她的作品着眼于民族主义和遗传学如何在 20 世纪的中东,特别是在土耳其、伊朗和黎凡特地区不断地、动态地重新结合,从而形成不断变化的种族身份调色板。