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Accurata delineatio motuum stellae Martis: How Accurate Is Kepler’s Pretzel Diagram?
Isis ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1086/706936
Diego Pelegrin , Christián C. Carman

In the first chapter of his Astronomia Nova, Kepler introduced a diagram that, he claimed, represents the path of Mars between 1580 and 1596, assuming a resting Earth. In the words of William H. Donahue, “the appearance of this diagram is a dramatic moment in the history of thought. Nothing like it had ever been published before.” It is unique mainly because it is the first diagram that offers what is explicitly asserted to be an accurate representation of the trajectory of a planet, the first diagram in which the path of a planet appeared clearly separated from the geometrical devices that produced it. This essay aims to offer an analysis of the accuracy of this diagram. The authors try to determine what tables, ephemerides, observations, or models are behind its construction and how accurately the diagram reflects the different elements of the trajectory of Mars. The outcome of this analysis raises the question of whether the diagram was made for the role it ultimately played in the Astronomia Nova or for some other purpose.


Accurata delineatio motuum stellae Martis:开普勒的椒盐脆饼图有多准确?

在他的《新天文学》的第一章中,开普勒介绍了一张图表,他声称该图表代表了 1580 年至 1596 年间火星的路径,假设地球处于静止状态。用 William H. Donahue 的话来说,“这张图表的出现是思想史上的一个戏剧性时刻。以前从未发表过这样的作品。” 它是独一无二的,主要是因为它是第一个提供明确声称是行星轨迹的准确表示的图表,第一个将行星的路径与产生它的几何装置明显分开的图表。本文旨在分析该图的准确性。作者试图确定哪些表格、星历表、观测值、或模型背后的构造以及图表反映火星轨迹的不同元素的准确程度。这项分析的结果提出了一个问题,即该图表是为了它最终在新天文学中扮演的角色还是出于其他目的而制作的。