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The Great Depression and the Making of Turkish-Syrian Border, 1921–1939
International Journal of Middle East Studies ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020743820000021
Ramazan Hakkı Öztan

This article explores how the Great Depression in 1929 led to the expansion of illicit circuits globally, and examines the ways in which the introduction of anti-smuggling campaigns came to consolidate the border regimes in Turkey and French Syria. The global economic downturn in the late 1920s led states to embrace protectionist measures such as heightened tariffs and import quotas, all designed to protect local industries and maintain a favorable trade balance. The introduction of such measures, however, often resulted in the emergence of highly profitable illicit circuits, including in the borderland between Turkey and Syria. Here, a sturdy coalition of producers, shop owners, smugglers, trackers, and peddlers began to smuggle into Turkey a range of goods from silk textiles to cigarette papers, while funneling out narcotics into Syria. By seeking the global trajectories of such commodity flows, this article examines the impact of these borderland mobilities on the making of Turkey's southern border by exploring the local and bureaucratic responses to a rapidly changing world economic order in the aftermath of the Great Depression.



本文探讨了 1929 年的大萧条如何导致全球非法线路的扩张,并研究了引入反走私运动以巩固土耳其和法属叙利亚边境政权的方式。1920 年代后期的全球经济衰退导致各国采取保护主义措施,例如提高关税和进口配额,所有这些措施都是为了保护当地产业并保持有利的贸易平衡。然而,这些措施的引入往往导致出现高利润的非法线路,包括在土耳其和叙利亚之间的边境地区。在这里,一个由生产者、店主、走私者、追踪者和小贩组成的强大联盟开始将一系列商品走私到土耳其,从丝绸纺织品到卷烟纸,同时将麻醉品输送到叙利亚。