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Ethnic Discrimination in Multi-ethnic Societies: Evidence from Russia
European Sociological Review ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-08 , DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcz045
Alexey Bessudnov 1 , Andrey Shcherbak 2

Field experiments have provided ample evidence of ethnic and racial discrimination in the labour market. Less is known about how discrimination varies in multi-ethnic societies, where the ethnic composition of populations is different across locations. Inter-group contact and institutional arrangements for ethnic minorities can mitigate the sense of group threat and reduce discrimination. To provide empirical evidence of this, we conduct a field experiment of ethnic discrimination in Russia with a sample of over 9,000 job applications. We compare ethnically homogeneous cities and cities with ethnically mixed populations and privileged institutional status of ethnic minorities. We find strong discrimination against visible minorities in the former but much weaker discrimination in the latter. These findings demonstrate how institutions and historical contexts of inter-group relations can affect ethnic prejudice and discrimination.



实地试验为劳动力市场中的民族和种族歧视提供了充分的证据。人们对多民族社会中的歧视如何变化知之甚少,在这些社会中,人口的种族构成因地区而异。少数民族的群体间接触和制度安排可以减轻群体威胁感并减少歧视。为了提供这方面的经验证据,我们在俄罗斯进行了种族歧视的现场实验,样本超过 9,000 份工作申请。我们比较了种族同质的城市和种族混合人口和少数民族特权制度地位的城市。我们发现前者对有色人种的歧视很强,而后者的歧视要弱得多。