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Cora Diamond: Reading Wittgenstein with Anscombe, Going On to Ethics
Ethics ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1086/708537
Sophie Grace Chappell

Not, “which is so simple to use,” “is utterly mystifying to think about”; “no theory of thought or judgement which does not give an account of it can hope to be adequate.” The remark is Elizabeth Anscombe’s, in her Introduction to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. I quote it from Cora Diamond’s quotation of it in her engaging, deep, and important new book (52), which is, among other things, an introduction to Anscombe’s Introduction. At the very least—and time may showmore than this—Diamond has produced a remarkably good book about Anscombe’s wonderful book about Wittgenstein’s great book. It brings together essays by Diamond spanning fifteen to twenty years of reflection on some central themes of the Tractatus. The original essays are presented largely as written, with some “second thoughts” in the linkingmaterials that have been added to stitch them together. One pleasing feature of Diamond’s writing, which gives one the feeling of listening to her thinking aloud or giving an informal presentation in a study group, is its studied provisionality. “It turns out to bemore complicated than I had realised” (10) sets the book’s tone, and to the end Diamond remains happily immune to contemporary philosophy’s fetishization of depersonalized definitiveness. The book’s title may seem rather cumbersome, but it accurately describes the narrative arc of the book, which ends with ethics and the problem of not but starts, as I will here, with theTractatus and the problem of not.


Cora Diamond:与 Anscombe 一起阅读维特根斯坦,继续探讨伦理问题

不是,“使用起来如此简单”,“思考起来完全令人费解”;“没有对其进行解释的思想或判断理论不可能是充分的。” 这句话出自伊丽莎白·安斯科姆 (Elizabeth Anscombe) 在她的《维特根斯坦的逻辑学导论》中。我引用了 Cora Diamond 在她引人入胜、深刻而重要的新书 (52) 中对它的引用,其中包括 Anscombe 导言的介绍。至少——时间可能比这更多——戴蒙德出版了一本非常好的书,讲述了安斯科姆关于维特根斯坦伟大著作的精彩著作。它汇集了戴蒙德 (Diamond) 对 Tractatus 的一些中心主题进行了 15 到 20 年反思的文章。原始论文主要以书面形式呈现,在已添加的链接材料中添加了一些“重新考虑”以将它们拼接在一起。戴蒙德写作的一个令人愉快的特点是它的研究临时性,让人有一种在学习小组中大声倾听她的想法或进行非正式演讲的感觉。“事实证明它比我意识到的更复杂”(10)定下了这本书的基调,直到最后,戴​​蒙德仍然愉快地不受当代哲学对去个性化确定性的迷恋。这本书的书名可能看起来相当繁琐,但它准确地描述了这本书的叙事弧线,以伦理学结束,而不是问题开始,我将在这里,以《论语》和不的问题开始。给人一种在学习小组中大声倾听她的想法或进行非正式演讲的感觉,就是它的研究临时性。“事实证明它比我意识到的更复杂”(10)定下了这本书的基调,直到最后,戴​​蒙德仍然愉快地不受当代哲学对去个性化确定性的迷恋。这本书的书名可能看起来相当繁琐,但它准确地描述了这本书的叙事弧线,以伦理学结束,而不是问题开始,我将在这里,以《论语》和不的问题开始。给人一种在学习小组中大声倾听她的想法或进行非正式演讲的感觉,就是它的研究临时性。“事实证明它比我意识到的更复杂”(10)定下了这本书的基调,直到最后,戴​​蒙德仍然愉快地不受当代哲学对去个性化确定性的迷恋。这本书的书名可能看起来相当繁琐,但它准确地描述了这本书的叙事弧线,以伦理学结束,而不是问题开始,我将在这里,以《论语》和不的问题开始。