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Medals and Shells: On Morphology and History, Once Again
Critical Inquiry ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1086/700992
Carlo Ginzburg

1 But, first of all, a brief introduction is needed to explain howmy obsession with morphology began. The event that initiated my trajectory as a historian took place in 1963 at the State Archive of Venice (I have told this story several times, each time from a different angle). I was looking for witchcraft trials in the vast inquisition archive that is preserved ai Frari, in the former Franciscan convent where the Venice archive is now located. Unexpectedly, I came across a 1591 record of answers given by a young cowherd namedMenichino of Latisana to an inquisitor interrogating him. “Are you a benandante?” the inquisitor asked (a word I had never seen before). Menichino first answered evasively and then explained that he was; being born in a caul (that is, wrapped in the amniotic sack) he was compelled to fight in spirit with other benandanti three times a year in the field of Josaphat against witches andwizards for the fertility of the crops. The benandanti used fennel branches as weapons; the witches, sorghum sticks. “Fighting in spirit against witches is



1 但是,首先需要简要介绍一下我对形态学的痴迷是如何开始的。开启我作为历史学家的轨迹的事件发生在 1963 年的威尼斯国家档案馆(我已经多次讲过这个故事,每次都是从不同的角度)。我正在寻找保存在 ai Frari 的庞大宗教裁判所档案中的巫术审判,该档案位于威尼斯档案现在所在的前方济会修道院。没想到,我在1591年看到了一个名叫Menichino of Latisana的年轻牧牛人对审问他的审问者的回答记录。“你是班南丹特吗?” 审判官问道(我以前从未见过这个词)。Menichino先是回避了,然后解释说他是;出生在一个球茎中(也就是说,裹在羊膜袋里)他被迫与其他 benandanti 一年三次在 Josaphat 的领域与女巫和巫师进行精神斗争,以确保庄稼的生育能力。Benandanti 使用茴香枝作为武器;女巫,高粱棒。“与女巫的精神斗争是