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Bitcoin: A Reader’s Guide (The Beauty of the Very Idea)
Critical Inquiry ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1086/705302
Frances Ferguson

There are many accounts of the history of Bitcoin and many predictions of its future. Some commentators report its imminent demise—others point to its latest uptick in price. The writing I read on Bitcoin, excellent though much of it is, increased my desire to understand it. This essay is a report on my effort to puzzle out this financial innovation, the extent to which it is an innovation, and the extent to which it has political implications. Most accounts of money talk about it as a byproduct of social interactions that have become highly elaborated over time, elaborated enough formoney to be so efficient as a token of trust that we accept paper currency from strangers and temporarily hand over credit cards to other strangers without interrogating them or being interrogated. The blockchain-Bitcoin combination, by contrast, is an attempt to launch a monetary system that sees itself as replacing older mechanisms for storing societal trust. It aims to build a language from the ground up. For that reason Bitcoin can seem too large a project to comprehend. It can be a surrogate for a committed embrace of an increasingly technologized future. It can look, as it does to Paul Krugman and Nuriel Roubini, like smoke and mirrors.


