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The Persistence of the Witness: Claude Lanzmann’s The Last of the Unjust
Critical Inquiry ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1086/706680
Judith Kasper , Michael G. Levine

The Last of the Unjust (Le Dernier des injustes) is a film structured by temporal delays, distensions, and reversals—a film that, in dealing with Theresienstadt and its “monde à la renverse,” obliges one to begin at the end and play it backwards. Such an approach is already adumbrated by the word dernier in the title. Start with the last—and the last one—it suggests, and work your way back. To move in this way is to look back from the present to the past and, moreover, to follow Claude Lanzmann, who, after a forty-year gap, returned retrospectively to the interviews he conducted with Benjamin Murmelstein, former leader of the Jewish Council in Theresienstadt. Recorded in Rome in 1975, the week-long series of interviews were to have been part of Shoah (dir. Lanzmann, 1985). Yet none of the eleven hours of conversation made it into the film. Indeed, it was as if what had transpired in these sessions could not as yet be processed, could not be integrated into a context of significance. Left out of account, and quite literally out of the picture, the interviews nevertheless continued to haunt Lanzmann. If the film demands a retrospective approach, what Lanzmann looks back on is a past that will have remained all too close, one that impinged on his thinking and filmmaking without finding a definitive form of expression, without allowing itself, as it were, to be psychically and artistically worked through.



The Last of the Unjust (Le Dernier des injustes) 是一部由时间延迟、膨胀和逆转构成的电影——一部在处理特莱西恩施塔特及其“逆向世界”时迫使人们从结尾开始并播放的电影它倒退。标题中的 dernier 一词已经暗示了这种方法。从最后一个开始——也是最后一个——它建议,然后再回来。以这种方式前进就是从现在回首过去,此外,还要跟随克劳德·兰兹曼(Claude Lanzmann),他在时隔 40 年之后回顾性地回到了他与前犹太委员会领导人本杰明·默梅尔斯坦(Benjamin Murmelstein)的访谈中在特莱西恩施塔特。1975 年在罗马录制,为期一周的系列采访是大屠杀的一部分(dir. Lanzmann,1985)。然而,这 11 个小时的谈话都没有出现在电影中。确实,就好像在这些会议中发生的事情还不能被处理,不能被整合到一个重要的背景中。尽管没有考虑,甚至完全没有考虑,这些采访仍然继续困扰着兰兹曼。如果这部电影需要回顾性的方法,那么兰兹曼回顾的将是一段过于接近的过去,一个冲击他的思想和电影制作的过去,却没有找到明确的表达形式,也不允许自己像过去一样心理上和艺术上都通过了。