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Dealing More Effectively with Problematic Substance Use and Crime
Crime and Justice ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1086/688459
Harold A. Pollack

From the late 1960s to the mid-1990s, the basic drug-crime policy challenge was to manage social harms associated with the heroin and cocaine epidemics. As they ebbed, the crime-drug policy challenges changed. Alcohol receives greater attention as the leading criminogenic substance. Efforts are under way to improve and expand substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for criminally active populations. Model nontreatment interventions seek to monitor and deter use among individuals whose use endangers others. Two key issues are the continuing high rate of alcohol-related crime and violence and opportunities to expand SUD treatment for criminally active populations under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Alcohol taxes, regulation of alcohol venues, and model programs such as Dakota 24/7 are promising paths to reduced alcohol-related crime. Problem-solving courts can be made more pertinent to the broad range of drug-involved offenders. Existing treatment systems face many challenges in providing mental and behavioral health services mandated under the ACA. Properly implemented, ACA offers many opportunities to prevent offending through provision of appropriate services.



从1960年代后期到1990年代中期,基本的毒品犯罪政策挑战是管理与海洛因和可卡因流行有关的社会危害。随着退潮,毒品犯罪政策的挑战发生了变化。酒精作为主要的犯罪源物质受到越来越多的关注。目前正在努力改善和扩大对犯罪活跃人群的药物滥用障碍(SUD)治疗。示范性非治疗干预措施旨在监测和阻止个人使用危害他人的使用。两个关键问题是与酒精有关的犯罪和暴力的持续高发生率,以及根据《平价医疗法案》(ACA)扩大对犯罪活跃人群的SUD治疗的机会。酒精税,酒精场所的管理以及诸如Dakota 24/7之类的示范计划都是减少酒精相关犯罪的有前途的途径。可以使解决问题的法院与范围广泛的涉毒罪犯更加相关。现有的治疗系统在提供ACA规定的精神和行为健康服务方面面临许多挑战。如果实施得当,ACA可提供许多机会,通过提供适当的服务来防止犯罪。