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Social vulnerability, social structures and household grain shortages in sixteenth-century inland Flanders
Continuity and Change ( IF 0.900 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0268416019000109
Eline Van Onacker

‘Vulnerability’ and ‘resilience’ have recently become hot topics in historiography. The main focus is on systemic vulnerability: the reasons why certain societies were better able to overcome crisis. In this article I want to address another type of vulnerability – inspired by the insights of Wisner and Blaikie: social vulnerability, and the differentiated impact of crisis on different social groups. Based on a unique corpus of sources – the grain censuses drafted during the grain crisis of 1556/57 – and a reconstruction of household budgets, I will reconstruct vulnerable groups, the root causes behind their vulnerability, and their coping mechanisms. By doing this I will show how systemic resilience could go hand-in-hand with vulnerable people, thus adding more depth to a growing research strand.


16 世纪内陆法兰德斯的社会脆弱性、社会结构和家庭粮食短缺

“脆弱性”和“复原力”最近成为史学界的热门话题。主要关注系统脆弱性:某些社会能够更好地克服危机的原因。在本文中,我想探讨另一种脆弱性——受 Wisner 和 Blaikie 见解的启发:社会脆弱性,以及危机对不同社会群体的不同影响。基于独特的资料库——1556/57 年粮食危机期间起草的粮食普查——以及家庭预算的重建,我将重建弱势群体、他们脆弱背后的根本原因以及他们的应对机制。通过这样做,我将展示系统弹性如何与弱势群体携手并进,从而为不断增长的研究领域增加更多深度。