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Making Modern Social Science: The Global Imagination in East Central and Southeastern Europe after Versailles
Contemporary European History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0960777318000474
Katherine Lebow , Małgorzata Mazurek , Joanna Wawrzyniak

The events of 1914 initiated the redrawing of many boundaries, both geopolitical and intellectual. At the outbreak of the war the London-based anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski was at a professional meeting in Australia. Technically an ‘enemy alien’ (a Pole of Austro-Hungarian citizenship), he was barred from returning to Britain; stranded in Australia, under surveillance by authorities and with insecure finances, Malinowski began fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands that would result in his groundbreaking Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922). 1 Argonauts ’ influence rested on its compelling portrait of the anthropologist as ‘participant-observer’, the insider/outsider uniquely poised to decode and recode cultures and meanings. 2 Malinowski thus adeptly retooled his own ambiguous status into a paradigm of the ethnographer’s optimal subject-position – quipping that he himself was particularly suited to this role, as ‘the Slavonic nature is more plastic and more naturally savage than that of Western Europeans’. 3



1914 年的事件引发了许多地缘政治和知识边界的重新划分。战争爆发时,伦敦的人类学家布罗尼斯拉夫·马林诺夫斯基正在澳大利亚参加一个专业会议。从技术上讲,他是“敌对外国人”(奥匈帝国公民的波兰人),他被禁止返回英国;被困在澳大利亚,受到当局的监视且财务状况不安全,马林诺夫斯基开始在特罗布里昂群岛进行实地考察,这将导致他开创性的西太平洋阿尔戈英雄 (1922)。1 Argonauts 的影响在于其将人类学家描绘成“参与者-观察者”的令人信服的描述,内部/外部人员独特地准备解码和重新编码文化和意义。2 马林诺夫斯基因此巧妙地将他自己模棱两可的地位重新塑造成民族志学家最佳主体位置的范式——打趣说他自己特别适合这个角色,因为“斯拉夫的本性比西欧人的本性更可塑,也更自然野蛮”。3