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“Intertribal” Development Strategies in the Global Cold War: Native American Models and Counterinsurgency in Southeast Asia
Comparative Studies in Society and History ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1017/s0010417520000109
Jacob Tropp

This article bridges the traditionally segregated fields of Native American history and the history of American foreign relations by investigating a series of activities in the late 1960s and early 1970s that interconnected Native American development and American counterinsurgency agendas in the unstable political landscapes of Southeast Asia. A small coterie of American bureaucrats, with careers spanning foreign assistance and Native American development work, saw great potential in selectively showcasing Indian economic “success stories” to serve “hilltribe” development and counterinsurgency programs in Laos and Thailand sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Central Intelligence Agency. One result was a series of “intertribal” development tours arranged for Laotian and Thai representatives in multiple Native American communities in Arizona and New Mexico. Moreover, sharing a sense that Native Americans could offer unique advantages as direct development agents among other “tribes” overseas, the tours’ organizers garnered support from a diverse range of actors—CIA and USAID officials, Laotian and Thai military officers, and Indian political and business leaders—for launching a “tribe-to-tribe” foreign assistance program. Viewed together, these transnational schemes and discussions reveal how the flexible and multivalent meanings of key development concepts at the time—such as Indian achievement, tribal initiative, and “intertribal” understanding—both facilitated and constrained official designs to employ Native American models to support political and military agendas in the “shadow” theaters of the escalating Vietnam conflict.



本文通过调查 1960 年代末和 1970 年代初的一系列活动,在东南亚不稳定的政治格局中将美洲原住民的发展与美国的反叛乱议程联系起来,在传统上隔离的美洲原住民历史领域和美国对外关系史之间架起了一座桥梁。一小群美国官僚的职业生涯跨越了对外援助和美洲原住民的发展工作,他们看到了有选择地展示印度经济“成功故事”的巨大潜力,以服务于美国国际署赞助的老挝和泰国的“山地部落”发展和反叛乱计划发展部和中央情报局。结果之一是在亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州的多个美洲原住民社区为老挝和泰国代表安排了一系列“跨部落”开发之旅。此外,由于意识到美洲原住民可以作为海外其他“部落”的直接发展代理人提供独特的优势,这次旅行的组织者获得了各种参与者的支持——中央情报局和美国国际开发署官员、老挝和泰国军官,以及印度政治和商界领袖——发起了“部落对部落”的对外援助计划。综合来看,这些跨国计划和讨论揭示了当时关键发展概念的灵活和多价含义——例如印度成就、部落倡议、