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The Covid-19 catastrophe, authoritarianism, and refusing to get used to it
Community Development Journal ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-27 , DOI: 10.1093/cdj/bsaa031
Órla O’Donovan

After 11 years in the position, in 2016 Sara Ahmed resigned as Professor of Race and Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London in protest at the university’s failure to deal with the problem of sexual harassment. As she explains in her book What’s the Use? On the Uses of Use (2019), ‘I hear the word resignation and I hear a long, drawn-out sigh rather like saying, perhaps, what’s the use? But resignation can also be how you refuse to resign yourself to a situation’ (Ahmed, 2019: 214). Refusing to get used to it is how she describes what it means to be a diversity worker. When we are somewhere for a certain length of time and are no longer surprised by our surroundings and by what usually happens, we are used to it: ‘the usual is a field of expectation that derives its contours from past experience. The usual is the structural in temporal form’ (Ahmed, 2019: 164). Asserting that the experience of identifying and challenging abuses of power teaches us about its operation, since her resignation she has been researching people’s experiences of making complaints (and decisions not to complain) about abuse, harassment, and bullying within universities. For her, feminists need to become ‘non-reproductive agents’ who try to stop what usually happens from happening, crucial to which is refusing to get used to what usually happens. It is disturbing how quickly we are becoming used to the ‘new normal’ (to use that already over-used cliché) created by the catastrophe of the COVID19 pandemic. Already, we are getting used to the language and practices of lockdown, social distancing, cocooning, and not only virtual meetings, but virtual wakes and funerals too. It is no longer surprising to see people


Covid-19 灾难、威权主义和拒绝习惯

在担任该职位 11 年后,萨拉·艾哈迈德 (Sara Ahmed) 于 2016 年辞去伦敦大学金史密斯学院种族与文化研究教授的职务,以抗议该大学未能解决性骚扰问题。正如她在她的书《有什么用?关于使用的用途(2019),“我听到辞职这个词,我听到一声长长的叹息,就像在说,也许,有什么用?但辞职也可能是你拒绝让自己屈服于某种情况的方式”(艾哈迈德,2019:214)。拒绝习惯这就是她描述成为多元化工作者意味着什么的方式。当我们在某个地方呆了一段时间并且不再对周围环境和通常发生的事情感到惊讶时,我们已经习惯了:“通常是一个期望领域,它的轮廓来自过去的经验。通常是时间形式的结构”(Ahmed,2019:164)。断言识别和挑战滥用权力的经验教会了我们它的运作,自从她辞职以来,她一直在研究人们对大学内的虐待、骚扰和欺凌提出投诉(以及不投诉的决定)的经历。对她来说,女权主义者需要成为“非生殖代理人”,试图阻止通常发生的事情发生,而拒绝习惯通常发生的事情至关重要。令人不安的是,我们很快就习惯了由 COVID19 大流行造成的“新常态”(使用已经过度使用的陈词滥调)。我们已经习惯了封锁、社交距离、隔离的语言和做法,而不仅仅是虚拟会议,但虚拟的唤醒和葬礼也是如此。见人已不稀奇