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Political Economy and the Medici
Business History Review ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s000768052000001x
Sophus A. Reinert , Robert Fredona

Using materials from the important collection of Medici manuscripts donated to Harvard Business School by Harry Gordon Selfridge, this paper explores the geopolitics of the transformation of raw wool into finished cloth, and the role played in that process by Medici entrepreneurs, their guild, and their government. It aims to show that the history of political economy cannot truly be understood without business history. Successful business practices used by Medici entrepreneurs were first theorized by Giovanni Botero and others as what would become an “Italian model” in political economy, a model that had a profoundly wide-ranging impact, and that puts the lie to the commonplace in the history of ideas that the Italian Renaissance, so precocious in other fields, was silent on the topic of political economy.



本文使用哈里·戈登·塞尔弗里奇 (Harry Gordon Selfridge) 捐赠给哈佛商学院的重要美第奇手稿收藏中的材料,探讨了将原毛转化为成品布的地缘政治,以及美第奇企业家、他们的行会和他们在这一过程中所扮演的角色。政府。它旨在表明,如果没有商业史,就无法真正理解政治经济史。美第奇企业家使用的成功商业实践首先被乔瓦尼·博特罗 (Giovanni Botero) 和其他人理论化为政治经济学中的“意大利模式”,这种模式具有深远的广泛影响,并使谎言成为历史上司空见惯的事情意大利文艺复兴在其他领域如此早熟,却对政治经济学的话题保持沉默。