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Recovering the Logic of Double Effect for Business: Intentions, Proportionality, and Impermissible Harms
Business Ethics Quarterly ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-03 , DOI: 10.1017/beq.2019.39
Rosemarie Monge , Nien-hê Hsieh

Business actors often act in ways that may harm other parties. While the law aims to restrict harmful behavior and to provide remedies, legal systems do not anticipate all contingencies and legal regulations are not always well-enforced. This article argues that the logic of double effect (LDE), which has been developed and deployed in other areas of practical ethics, can be useful in helping business actors decide whether or not to pursue potentially harmful activities in commonplace business activity. The article illustrates how LDE helps to explain the exploitative nature of payday lending, the distinction between permissible and impermissible forms of market competition, and the potential wrong of imposing risk of harm on others. The article also addresses foundational debates about LDE itself.We offer the article as an illustration of the sort of “midlevel” theorizing that can address directly the needs of practitioners.



业务参与者的行为通常可能会伤害其他方。虽然法律旨在限制有害行为并提供补救措施,但法律制度并没有预见到所有的突发事件,而且法律法规并不总是得到很好的执行。本文认为,已在实践伦理的其他领域开发和部署的双重效应逻辑 (LDE) 可用于帮助商业行为者决定是否在普通商业活动中从事潜在有害的活动。本文阐述了 LDE 如何帮助解释发薪日贷款的剥削性质、允许和不允许的市场竞争形式之间的区别,以及将伤害风险强加给他人的潜在错误。本文还讨论了关于 LDE 本身的基本辩论。