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From Potemkin Village to the Estrangement of Vision: Baroque Culture and Modernity in Austria before and after 1918
Austrian History Yearbook ( IF 0.400 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0067237816000126
Matthew Rampley

T he artistic and cultural life of A ustria after World War I has often been presented in a gloomy light. As one contributor to a recent multivolume history of Austrian art commented, “the era between the two world wars is for long periods a time of indecision and fragmentation, of stagnation and loss of orientation … the 20 years of the First Republic of 1918–1938 did not provide a unified or convincing image.” For many this sense of disorientation and stagnation is symbolized poignantly by the deaths in 1918 of three leading creative figures of the modern period, Otto Wagner, Gustav Klimt, and Egon Schiele, two of whom succumbed to the influenza epidemic of that year. According to this view, war not only led to the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy (and a dramatic political caesura), it also caused or, at the very least coincided with, a profound interruption to artistic life and brought Vienna's cultural preeminence in central Europe to an end. The inhabitants of the newly constituted Austrian Republic were forced to contend with significant challenges as to how they might relate to the recent past. On the one hand, some—including, most famously, Stefan Zweig—sought refuge in a twilight world of nostalgic memory; others, such as Adolf Loos, used the events of 1918 as the opportunity to advance a distinctively modernist agenda that sought to create maximum distance from the Habsburg monarchy.



第一次世界大战后奥地利的艺术和文化生活常常被笼罩在阴暗的光线中。正如最近多卷奥地利艺术史的一位撰稿人所评论的那样,“两次世界大战之间的时代在很长一段时间内都是优柔寡断和分裂、停滞和迷失方向……1918 年至 1938 年第一共和国的 20 年没有提供统一或令人信服的形象。” 对许多人来说,这种迷失方向和停滞感在 1918 年现代时期三位主要创意人物奥托·瓦格纳 (Otto Wagner)、古斯塔夫·克里姆特 (Gustav Klimt) 和埃贡·席勒 (Egon Schiele) 的逝世成为象征,其中两人死于当年的流感流行。根据这种观点,战争不仅导致了哈布斯堡王朝的垮台(以及一场戏剧性的政治停摆),而且还导致,或者至少同时,艺术生活的深刻中断,结束了维也纳在中欧的文化优势。新成立的奥地利共和国的居民被迫应对如何与最近的过去联系起来的重大挑战。一方面,一些人——包括最著名的斯蒂芬·茨威格——在怀旧记忆的暮色世界中寻求庇护;其他人,例如阿道夫·卢斯 (Adolf Loos),利用 1918 年的事件作为推进独特的现代主义议程的机会,该议程旨在与哈布斯堡君主制建立最大距离。有些人——包括最著名的斯蒂芬·茨威格——在怀旧记忆的暮色世界中寻求庇护;其他人,例如阿道夫·卢斯 (Adolf Loos),利用 1918 年的事件作为推进独特的现代主义议程的机会,该议程旨在与哈布斯堡君主制建立最大距离。有些人——包括最著名的斯蒂芬·茨威格——在怀旧记忆的暮色世界中寻求庇护;其他人,例如阿道夫·卢斯 (Adolf Loos),利用 1918 年的事件作为推进独特的现代主义议程的机会,该议程旨在与哈布斯堡君主制建立最大距离。