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Dilemmas of Security: The State, Local Agency, and the Czechoslovak-Hungarian Boundary Commission, 1921–25
Austrian History Yearbook ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0067237818000152
Peter Haslinger

I n a memorandum presented to the Hungarian-Czechoslovak Boundary Commission on 23 February 1922 by the inhabitants of the southern Slovak town of Viskovce (Hungarian: Ipolyvisk), the twenty-five signatories requested “humbly for consideration and well-meaning settlement of the following concern.” The municipality was bordered on three sides by the Ipeľ (Hungarian: Ipoly) River, but had been cut off from the only usable road by the border, making communication extremely difficult. In winter and at high water in the spring and autumn, the place was “completely cut off from the outside world.” For three years, they had observed how provisional boundaries were continuously redrawn, and bore the brunt of these changes. The inhabitants said that all alternative routes had become inaccessible during that time and the center of Sahy (Hungarian: Ipolysag), which was just ten kilometers away, had become extremely difficult to reach even in urgent cases. Thus, they requested that the only existing road “be opened to us as quickly as possible and our traffic given back to us.”



根据斯洛伐克南部城镇 Viskovce(匈牙利语:Ipolyvisk)的居民于 1922 年 2 月 23 日向匈牙利-捷克斯洛伐克边界委员会提交的备忘录,二十五个签署方要求“虚心考虑并善意解决以下问题。” 该市三边与 Ipeľ(匈牙利语:Ipoly)河接壤,但边界处唯一可用的道路被切断,交通极为困难。冬季和春秋季节高水位,这里“完全与外界隔绝”。三年来,他们一直在观察临时边界如何不断地重新绘制,并首当其冲。居民们说,在那段时间里,所有替代路线都变得无法进入,萨伊(匈牙利语:Ipolysag)的中心,距离只有十公里的地方,即使在紧急情况下也变得非常难以到达。因此,他们要求“尽快向我们开放唯一现有的道路,并将我们的交通还给我们”。