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Heinrich Rauchberg (1860–1938): A Reappraisal of a Central European Demographer's Life and Work
Austrian History Yearbook ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0067237818000619
Iris Nachum

I n the small, idyllic German Evangelical Cemetery in Prague-Strasnice, a simple tombstone stands in the back row of graves, dedicated to the memory of “Dr. Heinrich Rauchberg, Professor at the German University in Prague, 1860–1938” and his wife Freia (1874–1939) (see Figures 1 and 2). When the Viennese-born demographer passed away, he left behind him an impressive professional career in the Habsburg monarchy and later in Czechoslovakia: he published a massive body of professional studies in population statistics and was an important figure at the German University in Prague, where he founded the Institute of Political Science in 1898 and served as dean of the Faculty of Law (1902–3, 1916–17, and 1926–27) and as university rector (1911–12). Outside the academic realm, Rauchberg was also involved in a broad range of activities. In 1890, for instance, he headed the Austrian census, in which the Hollerith electric counting machine was employed for the first time in Europe; Franz Kafka, his student in 1905, would later craft a literary monument to Rauchberg, the machine expert, in the short story “In the Penal Colony.” Especially after the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918, Rauchberg became a familiar figure among the local German minority, particularly because of his radio broadcasts on legal questions; his frequent articles in the German-speaking press on current issues; his numerous public lectures on social topics; his tireless engagement with housing assistance, tenant protection, and social insurance; and his involvement in the German League of Nations Union in the Czechoslovak Republic, which he cofounded in 1922. In short, he was a scholar very much in the public eye.


Heinrich Rauchberg (1860–1938):重新评价一位中欧人口学家的生活和工作

在布拉格-斯特拉斯尼采(Prague-Strasnice)小而田园诗般的德国福音派公墓中,墓碑的后排立着一块简单的墓碑,用来纪念“博士”。Heinrich Rauchberg,布拉格德国大学教授,1860-1938 年”和他的妻子 Freia(1874-1939)(见图 1 和图 2)。这位出生于维也纳的人口统计学家去世后,他在哈布斯堡王朝和后来的捷克斯洛伐克留下了令人印象深刻的职业生涯:他发表了大量人口统计专业研究报告,并且是布拉格德国大学的重要人物。他于 1898 年创立了政治学研究所,并担任法学院院长(1902-3、1916-17 和 1926-27)和大学校长(1911-12)。在学术领域之外,Rauchberg 还参与了广泛的活动。1890 年,例如,他领导了奥地利人口普查,其中 Hollerith 电子计数机首次在欧洲使用;1905 年,他的学生弗朗茨·卡夫卡 (Franz Kafka) 后来在短篇小说《在流放地》中为机器专家劳奇伯格 (Rauchberg) 打造了一座文学纪念碑。尤其是在 1918 年捷克斯洛伐克共和国成立后,劳赫贝格成为当地德裔少数民族的熟悉人物,尤其是因为他的电台广播有关法律问题;他经常在德语媒体上发表关于当前问题的文章;他关于社会话题的众多公开演讲;他孜孜不倦地参与住房援助、租户保护和社会保险;并参与了他在 1922 年共同创立的捷克斯洛伐克共和国的德国国际联盟。简而言之,