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Administration, Science, and the State: The 1869 Population Census in Austria-Hungary
Austrian History Yearbook ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0067237816000072
Wolfgang Göderle

T he population of A ustria -H ungary was counted five times between 1869 and 1910. This process of counting established a new relationship between the state and its citizens. The state procured vast knowledge about its citizens, and the latter became accustomed to contact on a regular basis with state authorities and administrative practices. By the end of the nineteenth century, both the state and its citizens knew more of each other than ever before. This article scrutinizes the administrative translation of reality into discourse and the effects this had on the two parties involved.


行政、科学和国家:1869 年奥匈帝国的人口普查

1869 年至 1910 年间,Austria-Hungary 的人口被统计了五次。这一统计过程建立了国家与其公民之间的新关系。国家获得了关于其公民的大量知识,后者习惯于定期与国家当局和行政实践联系。到 19 世纪末,国家及其公民比以往任何时候都更加了解彼此。本文审视了将现实行政化地转化为话语的过程及其对相关双方的影响。