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Structural Racism, Whiteness, and the African Studies Review
African Studies Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2020.84
Benjamin Lawrance

Likemany people over the past months, we have spent time reflecting on our own racism and the racist structures which we inhabit and recreate. In the wake of the horrific public murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers, the murder of Breonna Taylor by police in Louisville, Kentucky, the startling videoed lynching of Ahmaud Arbery in Atlanta by white suburbanites, the death of Adama Traoré in police custody in Paris, and the impunity following these and countless other killings of Black Americans, Diasporic Africans, andAfricanmigrants almost too numerous to list, there has been an outpouring of grief and anger.We stand in solidarity with Black communities around theworld. Black LivesMatter. As a premier journal of African Studies, we also must make it our motto: Black Voices Matter. Almost two years have passed since the then-president of the African Studies Association (ASA) Jean Allman delivered a damning account of the history of institutional racism within the structural apparatuses of the ASA [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSb_N2Ly8VY&t]. Allman’s research revealed how, since its very foundation, African-Americanmembers werefirst marginalized, then displaced from the ASA; how African participation was discounted and dismissed; and how specific institutions, such as the hallowed prizes, routinely overlooked or ignored the contributions of people of color, while simultaneously honoring egregious perpetrators of racist exclusivity. Allman invited former members who quit the ASA in the 1970s to hear and respond to her reevaluation. The print version [https://doi.org/10.1017/ asr.2019.40] of Allman’s keynote is one of our most read and cited articles in recent years. It is a poignant reminder that, even today, the ASA and its institutions can be formany scholars of color an unfriendly and unwelcoming space. There is indeed much “unfinished business,” from 1968, from earlier, and certainly from the present. It also reminds us that it is very difficult to break free from the structures that produce us. We are well situated to



像过去几个月中的许多人一样,我们花了时间反思我们自己的种族主义以及我们居住和重建的种族主义结构。在明尼阿波利斯警察公开谋杀乔治·弗洛伊德、在肯塔基州路易斯维尔谋杀布伦娜·泰勒、在亚特兰大郊区白人对艾哈迈德·阿伯里进行令人震惊的私刑录像、阿达玛·特拉奥雷在美国警方拘留期间死亡之后巴黎,以及在这些以及无数其他杀害美国黑人、散居非洲人和几乎无法一一列举的非洲移民之后的有罪不罚现象,人们涌现出悲痛和愤怒。我们与世界各地的黑人社区站在一起。黑人的命也是命。作为非洲研究的首要期刊,我们还必须将其作为座右铭:黑人之声很重要。自从时任非洲研究协会 (ASA) 主席让·奥尔曼 (Jean Allman) 对 ASA 结构性机构内的制度性种族主义历史进行了该死的描述以来,已经过去了将近两年 [https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=mSb_N2Ly8VY&t]。奥尔曼的研究揭示了自其成立以来,非洲裔美国成员如何首先被边缘化,然后从 ASA 流离失所;非洲人的参与是如何被打折扣和被驳回的;以及特定的机构,例如神圣的奖项,如何经常忽视或忽视有色人种的贡献,同时尊重种族主义排他性的恶劣肇事者。奥尔曼邀请在 1970 年代退出 ASA 的前成员听取并回应她的重新评估。印刷版 [https://doi.org/10.1017/asr.2019。40] 是我们近年来阅读和引用次数最多的文章之一。这是一个尖锐的提醒,即使在今天,ASA 及其机构也可能成为任何有色人种学者的不友好和不受欢迎的空间。从 1968 年开始,从更早时期开始,当然从现在开始,确实有很多“未完成的事业”。它还提醒我们,要摆脱产生我们的结构是非常困难的。我们处于有利地位