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Xenophobia’s Contours During an Ebola Epidemic: Proximity and the Targeting of Peul Migrants in Senegal
African Studies Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-16 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2019.38
Ato Kwamena Onoma

Abstract: This article examines the effect of geographical proximity on targeting patterns during Ebola-era xenophobic outbursts by Senegalese against a migrant Peul population of Guinean origins. It highlights the limited extent to which epidemics shape the micro-dynamics of outbreaks of xenophobia during public health crises, demonstrating that epidemics are not defining events that inflect inter-group relations. They mostly reinforce long-persisting patterns of exclusion. The conclusion is that the contours of xenophobia in contexts marked by public health crises and in those situations in which these issues of public health do not constitute a major concern tend to mirror each other.


埃博拉疫情期间仇外心理的轮廓:塞内加尔 Peul 移民的近距离接触和目标

摘要:本文研究了在塞内加尔人针对几内亚血统的 Peul 移民人口的埃博拉时期仇外爆发期间,地理邻近性对目标模式的影响。它强调了流行病在公共卫生危机期间塑造仇外心理爆发的微观动态的有限程度,表明流行病并没有定义影响群体间关系的事件。它们大多强化了长期存在的排斥模式。结论是,在以公共卫生危机为标志的背景下以及在这些公共卫生问题不构成主要关注的情况下,仇外心理的轮廓往往相互反映。