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Philip Roessler. Ethnic Politics and State Power in Africa. The Logic of the Coup-Civil War Trap. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 389 pp. Maps. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. $110.00. Cloth. ISBN: 978-1107176072.
African Studies Review ( IF 1.820 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-06 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2019.72
Jaimie Bleck

Why do heads of African states often exclude leaders of other ethnic groups from political power, knowing that this strategy can lead to large-scale political violence? Philip Roessler’s Ethnic Politics and State Power in Africa answers this question and offers readers an elegant and insightful discussion of coups, civil war, and ethnic politics. Roessler’s persuasive analysis points to problems rooted in the informal institution of power-sharing. He walks readers through the dilemma faced by African executives in weak bureaucratic states: the coup-civil war tradeoff. A leader can share governing roles with leaders from other ethnic groups, which enables him to gain access to those rivals’ political networks. Lacking formal institutions to monitor and control the population beyond the capital, this alliance provides the regime with greater societal control and state reach. However, it also opens the possibility that these rivals may accumulate enough power to remove the leader in a coup. Conversely, a leader can choose to exclude leaders of rival groups and their networks, but this strategy risks making the regime more vulnerable to the threat of insurgency. This vulnerability stems not only from the grievances of marginalized co-ethnics, but also from the weakened “counterinsurgency capability” of the state (55). Without brokers embedded in these excluded networks, regimes have limited information or social control to prevent insurgency in these areas. Roessler argues, “Civil wars are the manifestation of the political strategies rulers choose to coup-proof their regimes from rival networks of violence specialists and consolidate their hold on sovereign power” (19). The author adopts a nested research design, which combines interviews tracing political decision-making with quantitative analysis to test the generalizability of his strategic theory of civil war. First, Roessler leverages interviews with different political actors from the Darfur region of Sudan to describe political events in the region between 1989 and 2003. He details how Omar al-Bashir and Ali Osman Taha’s fear that Hassan al-Turabi’s network would take over central government led to a regime split along ethnoregional lines (149). As a result, the regime lost a network of brokers


菲利普·罗斯勒。非洲的民族政治和国家权力。政变-内战陷阱的逻辑。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2016 年。389 页。地图。插图。笔记。参考书目。110.00 美元。布。ISBN:978-1107176072。

为什么非洲国家元首明知这种策略会导致大规模的政治暴力,却经常将其他民族的领导人排除在政治权力之外?菲利普·罗斯勒 (Philip Roessler) 的非洲民族政治与国家权力回答了这个问题,并为读者提供了关于政变、内战和民族政治的优雅而富有洞察力的讨论。罗斯勒有说服力的分析指出了植根于非正式权力分享制度的问题。他带领读者了解处于软弱官僚国家的非洲高管所面临的困境:政变与内战的权衡。领导者可以与其他族群的领导者共享管理角色,这使他能够接触到这些竞争对手的政治网络。缺乏正式机构来监测和控制首都以外的人口,这种联盟为政权提供了更大的社会控制和国家影响力。然而,这也开启了这些竞争对手积累足够权力以推翻政变领导人的可能性。相反,领导人可以选择排除敌对团体的领导人及其网络,但这种策略有可能使政权更容易受到叛乱威胁的影响。这种脆弱性不仅源于边缘化的同族人的不满,还源于国家“反叛乱能力”减弱(55)。如果没有经纪人嵌入这些被排除在外的网络中,政权就只有有限的信息或社会控制来防止这些地区的叛乱。罗斯勒认为,“内战是统治者选择的政治策略的体现,以防止他们的政权对抗暴力专家的敌对网络并巩固他们对主权的控制”(19)。作者采用嵌套式研究设计,将追踪政治决策的访谈与定量分析相结合,以检验其内战战略理​​论的普遍性。首先,罗斯勒利用对苏丹达尔富尔地区不同政治人物的采访来描述 1989 年至 2003 年期间该地区的政治事件。他详细描述了 Omar al-Bashir 和 Ali Osman Taha 如何担心 Hassan al-Turabi 的网络将接管中央政府导致政权沿民族区域线分裂(149)。结果,该政权失去了一个经纪人网络 作者采用嵌套式研究设计,将追踪政治决策的访谈与定量分析相结合,以检验其内战战略理​​论的普遍性。首先,罗斯勒利用对苏丹达尔富尔地区不同政治人物的采访来描述 1989 年至 2003 年期间该地区的政治事件。他详细描述了 Omar al-Bashir 和 Ali Osman Taha 如何担心 Hassan al-Turabi 的网络将接管中央政府导致政权沿民族区域线分裂(149)。结果,该政权失去了一个经纪人网络 作者采用嵌套式研究设计,将追踪政治决策的访谈与定量分析相结合,以检验其内战战略理​​论的普遍性。首先,罗斯勒利用对苏丹达尔富尔地区不同政治人物的采访来描述 1989 年至 2003 年期间该地区的政治事件。他详细描述了 Omar al-Bashir 和 Ali Osman Taha 如何担心 Hassan al-Turabi 的网络将接管中央政府导致政权沿民族区域线分裂(149)。结果,该政权失去了一个经纪人网络 Roessler 利用对苏丹达尔富尔地区不同政治人物的采访来描述 1989 年至 2003 年期间该地区的政治事件。他详细介绍了 Omar al-Bashir 和 Ali Osman Taha 如何担心 Hassan al-Turabi 的网络将接管中央政府一个沿民族区域线分裂的政权 (149)。结果,该政权失去了一个经纪人网络 Roessler 利用对苏丹达尔富尔地区不同政治人物的采访来描述 1989 年至 2003 年期间该地区的政治事件。他详细介绍了 Omar al-Bashir 和 Ali Osman Taha 如何担心 Hassan al-Turabi 的网络将接管中央政府一个沿民族区域线分裂的政权 (149)。结果,该政权失去了一个经纪人网络