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Èṣù and ethics in the Yorùbá world view
Africa ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0001972019001098
Ọlásopé O. Oyèláràn

Abstract Èṣù of the Yorùbá tradition, the custodian of the primordial àṣẹ, embodies the principle of perspicacity and pragmatism that is crucial for the exercise of responsibility by sentient and thinking beings. As such, Èṣù demands the ultimate in consciousness as a basis for just living and for a just measure of reward or sanction. Èṣù calls for painstaking commitment to rigorously distilled information and keen consciousness as preconditions for action of any sort, especially for the exercise of judgement, a compelling gesture of the human will. Scholarly and/or zealous traditions have, however, persistently alienated Èṣù from his native Yorùbá cosmology. This article argues for a need for rehabilitation.


Èṣù 和 Yorùbá 世界观中的伦理

Yorùbá 传统的抽象 Èṣù 是原始 àṣẹ 的监护人,体现了洞察力和实用主义的原则,这对于有情有思想的生物行使责任至关重要。因此,Èṣù 要求最终的意识作为公正生活和公正衡量奖励或制裁的基础。Èṣù 呼吁对严格提炼的信息和敏锐的意识进行艰苦的承诺,作为任何形式行动的先决条件,特别是对于判断力的行使,这是人类意志的一种令人信服的姿态。然而,学术和/或狂热的传统一直将 Èṣù 与他的母语 Yorùbá 宇宙学疏远。本文主张康复的必要性。