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How might life history theory contribute to life course theory?
Advances in Life Course Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.alcr.2019.04.011
Gert Stulp 1 , Rebecca Sear 2

In this commentary, we consider how evolutionary biology’s life history theory (LHT) can be integrated with life course theorizing, to the benefit of both endeavors. We highlight areas where it can add value to existing work in life course theory (LCT), focusing on: how it can add an extra level of explanation, which may be helpful in understanding why individuals focus on their own health and happiness (or why they don’t); how insights from comparative work, both across species and across all kinds of human populations, can inform LCT; and how social and biological researchers can come together fruitfully to make progress on the tricky issue of understanding human agency



在这篇评论中,我们考虑了如何将进化生物学的生命史理论 (LHT) 与生命历程理论相结合,从而使双方的努力都受益。我们强调它可以为生命历程理论 (LCT) 的现有工作增加价值的领域,重点是:它如何增加额外的解释水平,这可能有助于理解为什么个人关注自己的健康和幸福(或为什么他们没有);来自跨物种和各种人群的比较工作的见解如何为 LCT 提供信息;以及社会和生物学研究人员如何能够卓有成效地聚在一起,在理解人类能动性这一棘手问题上取得进展