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The Social Ecology of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in New York City: The Role of Walkability, Wealth, and Race
Social Psychological and Personality Science ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-11 , DOI: 10.1177/1948550620979259
Shigehiro Oishi 1, 2 , Youngjae Cha 1, 2 , Ulrich Schimmack 3

The present research examined the zip code level (177 zip codes) prevalence of and deaths associated with COVID-19 in New York City as of May 22, 2020. Walkable zip codes had consistently lower prevalence of (r = −.49) and deaths (r = −.15) associated with COVID-19. The mediation analysis showed that the degree of reduction in actual geographical mobility during the lockdown (measured by smartphone GIS data) accounted for geographical variations in the number of confirmed cases and deaths. Residents in wealthy zip codes and walkable zip codes were able to limit geographical mobility, whereas residents in poor zip codes and Black and Hispanic dominant zip codes were not. Finally, the spatial lag regression analysis showed that walkability was a robust predictor of zip code–level prevalence of and deaths associated with COVID-19. Overall, walkability seems to have provided protection against the spread of COVID-19.



本研究调查了截至2020年5月22日纽约市C​​OVID-19的邮政编码水平(177个邮政编码)的流行和死亡。步行式邮政编码的(r = −.49)和死亡的流行率一直较低。([R= −.15)与COVID-19相关联。调解分析表明,锁定期间实际地理移动性的降低程度(通过智能手机GIS数据衡量)说明了确诊病例和死亡人数的地理差异。富裕邮政编码和步行邮政编码的居民能够限制地域流动性,而穷人邮政编码和黑人和西班牙裔占主导地位的邮政编码的居民则没有限制。最后,空间滞后回归分析表明,步行能力是COVID-19邮政编码水平患病率和死亡人数的有力预测指标。总体而言,步行性似乎已为防止COVID-19传播提供了保护。
