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Challenges and solutions in developing legitimate online participation for EU biodiversity and ecosystem services policies
Science and Public Policy ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scaa036
Liisa Varumo 1 , Riikka Paloniemi 1 , Eszter Kelemen 2

To support legitimate European Union (EU) biodiversity policy development, there is a growing momentum to engage society in these policy processes and build meaningful and inclusive dialogue between science, policy, and society in policy deliberation. So far, engagement efforts have been made to encourage citizen participation in knowledge production via, for example, citizen science. At EU level means to encourage public participation have included a variety of online mechanisms for spreading information and promoting public deliberation. Despite these developments, the involvement of the general public in policy-making at the EU level has been rather inconsistent to date. In this article, we evaluate online science cafés as potential means to encourage dialogue between science, policy, and society; we ask what elements in their design and implementation are essential for inclusive dialogue between science, policy, and society. Our findings emphasise iterative dialogue when approaching multi-scalar challenges. This has important implications for developing legitimate participation across Europe.


