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How the Missionary got his Mana: Charles Elliot Fox and the Power of Name‐Exchange in Solomon Islands
Oceania ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-10 , DOI: 10.1002/ocea.5286
Michael W. Scott 1

Charles Elliot Fox (1878–1977) was one of the Anglican Melanesian Mission's most emblematic figures, extending its reputation for scholarship and respect for Pacific traditions. Uniquely among the Mission's European figures, however, Fox is also credited with exceptional powers (mana). Based on archival research and ethnographic fieldwork among the Arosi (Makira, Solomon Islands), I argue that Fox's name‐exchanges with Makirans have contributed in unrecognized ways to his reputation for mana. In so doing, I show how, in contrast with name‐exchange in Polynesia, Arosi name‐exchange implies the internalization of a gap between ontological categories that renders name‐exchange partners two persons in one body, endowed with access to one another's being and ways. Fox's writings indicate that he understood this aspect of Arosi name‐exchange as a prefiguration of the Christian doctrine of the incarnation. This understanding, in turn, shaped his mission method and motivated his otherwise puzzling claims that he was a Melanesian.


传教士如何获得法力:查尔斯·艾略特·福克斯(Charles Elliot Fox)和所罗门群岛的名字交换力量

查尔斯·埃利奥特·福克斯(Charles Elliot Fox,1878–1977年)是圣公会美拉尼西亚特派团最具有象征意义的人物之一,在学术和尊重太平洋传统方面享有盛誉。但是,在特派团的欧洲人物中独一无二的是,福克斯也被认为具有非凡的力量(法力值)。根据Arosi(所罗门群岛马基拉)的档案研究和人种志田野调查,我认为Fox与Makirans的名字交换以无法识别的方式为他的法力力声誉做出了贡献。这样,我展示了与波利尼西亚的名称交换相反,Arosi名称交换如何隐含本体论类别之间的鸿沟,从而使名称交换伙伴在一个机构中成为两个人,并享有彼此的存在和联系。方法。福克斯的著作表明,他将阿罗西名字交换的这一方面理解为对化身的基督教学说的预兆。这种理解反过来影响了他的任务方法,并激发了他令人困惑的声称他是美拉尼西亚人的说法。