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Ovarian adenocarcinoma with metastases in a white rhinoceros
The Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-10 , DOI: 10.1177/1040638720986789
Soo-Hyeon Kim 1 , Byung-Joon Seung 1 , Seung-Hee Cho 1 , Ha-Young Lim 1 , Min-Kyung Bae 1 , Kyung-Yeon Eo 2 , Yong-Gu Yeo 2 , Jang-Won Son 2 , Jung-Hyang Sur 1

A 36-y-old white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) was presented with respiratory distress, sanguineous vaginal exudate, and anorexia. The clinical signs progressed over 40 d, and the rhinoceros died. Autopsy revealed significant ascites; a unilateral, 12.5-cm diameter, polypoid mass in the left ovary; a white, firm transmural mass in the right uterine horn; a white, friable mass in the lung; and white-to-tan, friable small nodules in the diaphragm. Histologic examination revealed similar neoplastic cells in the masses in all 4 locations, composed predominantly of epithelial cells proliferating in a tubulopapillary pattern with significant nuclear atypia and numerous atypical mitotic figures (18–42 per 2.37 mm2). Immunohistochemistry for CK7 (cytokeratin 7) and CK20 (cytokeratin 20) suggest that the ovarian, pulmonary, and diaphragmatic lesions were of ovarian origin and that the ovary was the primary tumor site.



一只 36 岁的白犀牛 ( Ceratotherium simum ) 出现呼吸窘迫、阴道出血和厌食。临床症状进展40 d以上,犀牛死亡。尸检显示有大量腹水;左侧卵巢单侧,直径 12.5 厘米,息肉状肿块;右侧子宫角有白色、坚硬的透壁性肿块;肺部有白色、易碎的肿块;隔膜上有白色至棕褐色的易碎小结节。组织学检查显示所有 4 个部位的肿块中都有相似的肿瘤细胞,主要由以管状乳头状增生的上皮细胞组成,具有明显的核异型性和许多非典型的有丝分裂像(18-42 / 2.37 mm 2)。CK7(细胞角蛋白 7)和 CK20(细胞角蛋白 20)的免疫组织化学表明卵巢、肺部和膈肌病变起源于卵巢,卵巢是原发肿瘤部位。
